Monday, December 12, 2011

Sheridan Athletic Therapy Centre

On Friday, December 2nd our classes attended the Sheridan Athletic Therapy Centre at the Brampton campus. We spent the day there to learn about keeping up our physical health, especially as we work in an industry where we are sitting all day.

Some of the injuries that are commonly found in people working in web design include: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, eye strain and Sciatic Nerve Irritation. Some symptoms of these injuries to watch for:
  • Tightness and ache in forearms
  • Tightness or knots in shoulders and neck
  • Tension headaches
  • Tingling and/or numbness (intermittent or prolonged)
  • Pain that cannot be relieved with stretching
  • Decreased range of motion in neck, shoulders, wrists or lower back
In order to prevent these injuries from happening, some of the students at the Therapy Centre taught us some stretches that we should do for 5 to 10 minutes every hour.

Hand and Forearm Stretch:
With your hand open and facing down, gently bend wrist from side to side, as far as possible. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Neck and Shoulders Stretch:
Drop your head slowly to the left, trying to touch your left ear to your left shoulder. Repeat on the right side. Slowly drop your chin to your chest, turn your head all the way to the left, then turn all the way to the right.

Back, Side and Legs Stretch:
Grasp your shin. Lift the leg off the floor. Bend forward (curling your back), and reach your nose to your knee. Repeat with the other leg.

The best part of the trip was getting individual assessments from the Athletic Therapy students. We each got to have some ailment looked at. Personally, I've been having pains in my lower back, so that's what I had looked at. The student that worked with me gave me some stretches to do to loosen up my back, and I can do those along with the other stretches we learned.

Overall, it was good to spend some time thinking about our bodies and being active. I will definitely continue to stretch every hour or so, and hopefully I will continue to be pain-free in my neck, shoulders and wrists.

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